
Bangkok 2014




Benue River





Baluchi Ridges

In Baluchistan ridges curve continuously through the borderlands of Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The lower Indus River floodplain fills the broad dune-flecked flats to the right, near a coast of scalloped promontories tipped with the vestiges of transverse ridges. Kandahar is at center top, while Quetta nestles in the high mountains to the right. These… Read more »

Around the Alps

This view was framed to emphasize the graceful curve of the range, and its palette was designed to separate the elevation sequence of vegetative zones within the mountains. Lower areas were colored to balance the preponderance of greens higher up, and the coasts were given a subdued treatment so that the land features would stand… Read more »

Dambos and Bangweulu

Shaped like a Dutch shoe, Lake Bangweulu makes an exception to how earth’s great lakes are formed. It is a low point on a clay plateau, surrounded by swamp and by unusual upper stream courses in the shape of ET fingers – dambos. The bones of bedrock outcrop visibly on the right side, and beyond,… Read more »